The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104218   Message #2135549
Posted By: Big Mick
28-Aug-07 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: Homeland Security??????? For shame!!
Subject: RE: Homeland Security??????? For shame!!
My point is being made by the answers to the posts. The whole thread is about a threat to YOUR constitutional rights, and the responses are "OK, but we need an honest yada yada.....". I am not attacking Bill, but this whole thread shows exactly the problem in our society. We have allowed ourselves to become so philosophical about this stuff, that we almost look for ways to disassociate. THE THREAD ISN'T ABOUT IMMIGRATION. It's about people being detained without cause. It's about judgements and rationalizations being made for no other reason than looks, surnames, or the language being spoken in the home. You want to talk about immigration, I understand. What are you going to do about a whole group of people being profiled and persecuted? Instead of Ebbie's "we seem to have said about everything that can be said about it" response, my question is "why aren't you in the streets on this one?". This isn't some academic exercise, it is real life and it has ramifications for each one of you. This isn't just about some internet forum and showing each other how bright we are. It is real and happening. We will spend untold amounts of energy debating with wacko's over how the WTC fell down, but won't walk out our front doors and put the kind of pressure on politicians that needs to be put on them. We aren't going down the street to the neighbors and taking an unpopular stance about this, because they will twist it into a "well, we gotta do something about these illegal Mexicans....." and we lack the fortitude to show them that it is about much more. And we lack the fortitude to say "these Mexicans are our neighbors" and what happens to them could happen to us". Good people doing nothing is why lynchings went on for so long in this country, because, after all, it was those black folks.

Immigration......OK. Let me try and answer pdq's questions. 1) No. 2) Not a valid question, as I don't accept that the condition exists. There is a problem, it is not the problem you make it out to be.

Now.............. answer my questions as posed several times, pdq. You continue to make these suggestions, and post things without telling us what your point is. Answer the questions I, Ebbie, and Ron have posed. See if you can do it without nasty names.

As Bee said to me, I now say to you. I am sorry you miss the entire point of the thread.
