The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104170   Message #2136864
Posted By: beardedbruce
30-Aug-07 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mutual respect
Subject: RE: BS: Mutual respect
So, you would also object to those legislators writing laws against murder and drunk driving? If stopping the killing of human beings ( as defined by those opposing abortion) is NOT a reason to have laws, please let me know what is?????

You CONTINUE to fail to address the point that those opposed to abortion have decided, for whatever reason, that fetuses are human. AS LONG AS YOU CONTINUE to due so, your points as to "resons for abortion" are just justification for murder: WHEN you address this point, you can THEN deal with the ( IMO) valid reasons to allow it to be a private decision IN SOME CASES.