The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104170   Message #2138241
Posted By: Joe Offer
01-Sep-07 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mutual respect
Subject: RE: BS: Mutual respect
Well, John, I suppose you're right that few, if any, pro-choice people would support any sort of legislation that would stop abortions at any point. That's the essence of "pro-choice" - that they believe the pregnant woman is the best person to make the choice, not the legislature.

However, I have met many "pro-choice" people who do not believe that abortion is a good thing, and who would like to see fewer abortions. They just don't want to see the choice for or against abortion to be compelled by law. And generally, they see that there are some times when the situation for the pregnant woman is so serious that abortion is the best choice to take.

Many "pro-choice" people do not view the choice of abortion lightly. Some do, but I think the majority are a lot more compassionate than you might think.

As a Catholic (and just because I am who I am), I think that abortion is always evil - it's never a good thing. But I've known women who have chosen abortion because it seemed to them that they had no other choice. I think it's right for churches and for government agencies to encourage women to explore choices other than abortion - but I don't think it's good or effective to have laws that make abortion a crime.

-Joe Offer, pro-life, pro-choice Catholic-