The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104392   Message #2138695
Posted By: Bill D
01-Sep-07 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dennis
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis
"You don't think he could be logical? compassionate? honest? reasonable? tough if need be?"

"Reasonable" is one I would worry about. And yeah, 'tough'...I have problems with HOW tough. 'honest'? Sure, he's honest...but Reagan was totally honest before he got in, and he made a BIG mess of many things.

One that is not in the list is 'perspective'...I am not sure he sees all sides of the issues.

He just strikes me as someone who has a very sketchy idea of 'diplomacy' and 'compromise', and like it or not, the world stage demands those skills . His statements of (paraphrased) "As soon as I'm in office, all the troops will come home immediately" worry me. Even those who agree we must get out say that withdrawal is a slow, careful process.

Over all, I just do not see him as an administrator who can lead ...I see him as constantly demanding HIS way, no matter the issue.
There are people I KNOW who agree with MY ideas and philosophy almost 100%, but who I would never trust in a position of power. asked. (I keep asking people who dislike Hillary, and there are many who just-don't-like-her,...exactly WHAT do you dislike"...and getting FAR less answer than I just gave about Dennis