The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104248   Message #2138701
Posted By: GUEST,Cruz
01-Sep-07 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: What are the absolutes of good writing?
Subject: RE: BS: What are the absolutes of good writing?
I always say there are no absolutes in the Universe. However, there is now one absolute I have learned by reading this thread, when I did not nodd off to sleep, and following my many years of searching for the Holy Grail of Science:

Absolutely never-ever-no-how-for-sure-fire-and-for-certain ever come to a place like the BS section of any such forum as Mudcat, especially so, to inquire about the absolutes of good writin'

Er, I do have 1 question: when DO you use a : instead of a ; and should I use the numerical 1 instead of 'one' in my scientific abstracts, and etymologically when should I ........................