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Thread #104392   Message #2138843
Posted By: CarolC
02-Sep-07 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dennis
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis
Another Day of Mass Civilian Causalities in Iraq

How Many More Iraqis Have To Die Before The Occupation Ends?

Washington, Aug 14 - How many more dead Iraqis is it going to take to get us out of Iraq? We are witnessing a great travesty that hundreds of Iraqis have died today.

"America must leave Iraq. The occupation is fueling the insurgency. Nearly one million innocent Iraqis have died. Nearly 3,700 brave U.S. men and women have sacrificed their lives. Tens of thousands of service members have been injured," said Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH).

"Congress appropriated $97 billion on May 24, 2007, to fund the war through October 1, 2007. Of the remaining $97 billion that is available that money can be used to end the occupation and set in motion an international security and peacekeeping force to move in as U.S. troops, contractors and mercenaries leave.

"Democratic Congressional leaders do not need to call any votes to bring about an end to this war. The Democratic leadership simply needs to inform the President that he must use the available monies to bring the troops home. I repeat this does not involve calling any more votes. Should the President refuse, then he would be subject to action consistent with the Constitutional system of checks and balances.

"This great tragedy that has been visited on the people of Iraq is the result of a morally bankrupt U.S. international policy, which has sent this nation to war based on lies. It will take years for us to repair the damage that has been done to the people of Iraq, the United States and the world. We must now begin to take a new direction--and that direction is out.

"We cannot stand by idly and watch this carnage continue knowing that the irreducible truth of the matter is that the occupation has strengthened al-Qaeda and weakened hopes for peace," Kucinich said.

The Kucinich Plan for Iraq