The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104392   Message #2139109
Posted By: Stringsinger
02-Sep-07 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dennis
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis
Dennis is an intelligent, compassionate and strong person. He, more than any of the other saber-rattling candidates would be best to negotiate with the Middle East.

He has the kind of charisma I think that is important as a president. He doesn't bluster, or babble on about his religious beliefs. The other candidates simply do not have a coherent plan as to what should be done with our foreign policy. Many of them are so pro-Israel that they lack any kind of objectivity about the Mid-east problem.

The media (Fox and the like) are selling the public a bill of goods on Dennis and it's amazing how many even on the so-called Liberal side are drinking this Kool-Aid.

This whole idea of charisma sounds like applicants for American Idol. Don't forget, Ronald Reagan had charisma too and he brought the country down economically and morally.

Frank Hamilton