The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4291   Message #2139223
Posted By: GUEST,IanG
02-Sep-07 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: A note to Three Score and Ten
Subject: RE: A note to Three Score and Ten
Seems to me that whether the direction is up or down, whether they longed to fight, long did fight or long defied and whether people love the song or hate it, there can be no doubt that it has succeeded magnificently in keeping the storm in question in peoples minds. The superb information in these discussions has succeeded in telling a lot of people the date of the storm, the names of the fishing craft and the name of the writer. I think its a grat song and remember learning it with six others in the back of an old box shaped Austin on the way back from the folk club at teh Blue Bell in Hull in 1967