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Thread #48982   Message #2140165
Posted By: MystMoonstruck
03-Sep-07 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: Ballad of Davy Crockett
Subject: Lyr Add: POMPEY SMASH
I know that doubleposting is frowned upon at some forums, but I did locate these lyrics for "Pompey Smash", which still doesn't solve the mystery of the family's extra stanzas. I'm new to the Net, so I might find the answers yet.

POMPEY SMASH(1834).....The Everlastin' and Unkonkerable Skreamer

Now I'll tell you 'bout a fight I had wid Davy Crockett
Dat haff hoss, haff kune, an haff sky rocket,
I met him one day as I go out a gunnin,
I ax him whar he guine, an he say he guine a kunein,
Den I ax him whar he gun, and he say he got nun,
Den I say, Davy, how you guine to hunt widout one.

Den says he, Pompey Smash, just come along ob Davy
An I'll dam soon show you how to grin a koon crazy
Well, I follow on arter, till Davy seed a squirrel,
Settin on a pine log, eatin sheep sorrel,
Den he stop rite still, and he gin for me to feel,
Says he, Pompey Smash, let me brace agin your heel.

I stuck out my heel, an I brace up de sinner,
An den Davy gun to grin hard for his dinner,
But de critter didn't move -- nor didn't seem to mine him,
But seem to keep a eatin, and neber look behine him.
At lass, Davy sed, he ralely must be dead,
For I seed de bark fly all 'bout de kritter's head.

Den we boph started up, de truth to diskiver,
An may de debil roast ole Pompei Smash's liber,
If it wa'nt a great not, 'bout as big as a punkin,
Saz I, kurnel Davy, does you call dis skunkin.
Heah! Heah! Heah!!!
Den sez he, you black kaff, now I tell you doan laff,
If you do I'll pin your ears back, an bite you in haff.

I throde down my gun, an I drop my amynishin,
Sez I, kurnel Davy, I'll cool you ambishun,
He back both his years, an puff like a steamer,
Sez he, Pompey Smash, I'm a Tennessee skreemer,
Den we boph lock horn, an I tink my breph gone,
I was neber hug so close, since de day I was born.

We fought haff a day, an den we greed to stop it,
For I was badly whipt, an so was Davy Crockett,
When we look for our heds, gosh, we found 'em boph missen,
For he'd bit off mine, an' I'd swallow'd hissen.
Den boph did agree for to leff de oder be,
For I was rather hard for him, an so was he for me.