The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104551   Message #2141973
Posted By: jacqui.c
05-Sep-07 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Burning DVDs
Subject: Tech: Burning DVDs
OK - I'm trying to burn copies of the Kendall & Utah concert from last year. I did manage to produce a few last year before life got in the way so I know that my machine will do it.

I've just spent over 30 minutes trying to get it to do this again and can't seem to get anywhere. It asks me if I want to burn a CD and then asks for a blank disc when there is already a disc in the burner. There is nothing coming up about burning DVDs.

I'm not totally up on computer language so, if anyone out there can help, can you give very easy instructions using, as far as possible, non tech language. Right now I don't think my brain can take anything else!