The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20524   Message #214205
Posted By: Mark Cohen
19-Apr-00 - 06:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Have a Happy Passover!
Subject: RE: BS: Have a Happy Passover!
Gut yuntif, everyone! (That's Yiddish for happy holiday; yuntif is the Yiddish version of the Hebrew "yom tov" or good day. And Yiddish, of course, is a form of Middle High German mixed with Hebrew and other languages that became the everyday language of millions of Jewish people in Europe and worldwide. But I digress.)

It's not going to be much of a Seder for me, either, this year. I'm still too sore (surgery last week) to be traveling to the community Seder on the other side of the island. So my mom (visiting from Philadelphia to care for newly single son) and the Honolulu pediatrician who's been covering my practice and I will have a small Seder. We did find Manischewitz wine and matzah and macaroons (gotta have macaroons!) in the Safeway here in Hilo. And this year I'm thankful for my personal deliverance from a house of bondage.

One interesting aspect of the Seder is that in retelling the story of the Exodus from Egypt, we are supposed to feel that we ourselves are part of the story, that we ourselves become free people on this night. Since I was a child, I've always marveled at the mystery and the reality of that feeling. Thanks, Kat, and everyone else, for your good wishes. Neo, don't forget that you can make (almost) real cake from matzah flour and egg white and who knows what else, though it still is a little, er, binding.

And Chocolate Pi, I hope you find your Seder. I know how it feels to be away from home at this time. We'll hold the door open for you in spirit -- you are welcome.
