The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103190   Message #2142230
Posted By: The Sandman
06-Sep-07 - 05:17 AM
Thread Name: how were source singers influenced by revival
Subject: RE: how were source singers influenced by revival
Jim s posts are interesting ,but they are one persons perspective,they are not gospel,very occassionally they are inaccurate[Cyril Tawneys lack of concern over royalties/prs for his songs].
I was talking about Fred Jordan,and how he was influenced by the revival.
Jim Carroll then replied to me, I think youll find that many traditional singers[and story tellers in particular]already had a technique with an audience.etc TheStewarts of Blair[particuarly Alec] was an example of this.
In relation to my point he didnt mention Walter Pardon.