The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20467   Message #214228
Posted By: Ditchdweller
19-Apr-00 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: How would 'YOU' define 'conservative'?
Subject: RE: How would 'YOU' define 'conservative'?
Just a couple of penceworth from this side of the big pond. Conservative = right wing and Liberal = left. OK I know it is a bit simplistic, but with this in mind, let us look back 30 years. At this time the radical left had a great leader and master helmsman in the form of Mao Tse Tung, who at the time was leading the Cultural Revolution. How many people of my age, 48, and older, can truthfully state that they were not taken in by the propaganda of Mao's regime? How many of those who did accept the Maoist propaganda then feel shame at being so misled? Particularly in the light of the books "Life and Death in Shanghai" by Nien Chen and "Wild Swans" by Jung Chang. EXACTLY the same mistakes were made by the left in both the UK and the US during the thirties with Stalin. Also, in this country during the thirties, there was a movement towards disarmament that was led by the left DESPITE the obvious trouble brewing in Germany at the time. Mistakes like this are what makes me doubt the judgement of those on the left of the political spectrum. Sapper