The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104214   Message #2142475
Posted By: Teribus
06-Sep-07 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why are they leaving the UK?
Subject: RE: BS: Why are they leaving the UK?
Oh no Giok - Folkiedave is quite right about his pension fund not relying on investments - Teachers - Public Servants - The major contributor to their Pension Fund is the Government (Taxpayers Money) time, after time, after time - Indexed linked above the rate of inflation (Taxpayers Money) - Pension, or more correctly benefits, continues to be paid long after death to dependents (Taxpayers Money). The Government commitment to this lot, means that the rest lost out. When Gordon Brown raided the National pension funds, this sacred cow was left to continue grazing. Now what was that again about leeches.

2 [from its former use by physicians for bleeding patients] : any of numerous carnivorous or bloodsucking usually freshwater annelid worms (class Hirudinea) that have typically a flattened lanceolate segmented body with a sucker at each end
3 : a hanger-on who seeks advantage or gain
synonym see PARASITE

So typical of the Left, now explain to us Folkiedave why all pensions aren't similarly index linked. Or is it the old "Animal Farm" scenario again, all animals are equal but some are more equal than others, isn't Socialism great.

Your pension Folkiedave is a classic example of what Stigweard came out with - "Socialism isn't about envying wealth - it's about justice and equality for all members of society regardless of their circumstances of birth." (but not job it would seem)

Another Stigweard classic:
"Socialism isn't about envying wealth"

Oh No!!

"He's talking about you Teribus - it's all your fault for doing the rodent thing and effing off to a better life whilst the country is overrun with Poles! Should have put your money where you mouth is and stuck it out with the rest of us."

Good heavens, the very thought of it! The unmitigated gall of it! People "effing off to a better life". How dare they! Those "effing" Pilgrim Fathers have got one hell of alot to answer for. Not the politics of envy, eh Stigweard?

Another little secret for Folkiedave, Stigweard and Backwoodsman - the country by and large has been mismanaged for centuries to some degree or other, but has always managed to survive. It has only been "chronically mismanaged" in recent times. Margaret Thatcher arrested the fall (as admitted very recently by the current Labour Prime Minister). The "chronic mismanagement creeps in when things are driven by political dogma and idealism instead of pragmatism and leadership.

By the bye I don't recall anyone complaining about the country being overrun by Poles in 1940. In those days without the Poles, Czechs, etc - we'd have lost The Battle of Britain.

Country overrun with Poles indeed - the only poles that have overrun the country are telegraph poles. You all wanted the United States of Europe well you've got it, live with it.