The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104508   Message #2142886
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
06-Sep-07 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: JEAN RITCHIE-Long Island Music Hall of Fame 10 Oct
Subject: RE: JEAN RITCHIE-Long Island Music Hall of Fame 10 Oct
Thank you, kind friends all- I'm pleased, of course- and to be in such greaat company is thrilling. My attention is caught at how many of you used the word, "deserve, or deserving." Why? I've come to the conclusion that folks feel this way because of my age- that I'm still hanging in there and have not given up to the old rockin chair yet!And not because of the quality of my voice (somewhat croaky now) nor my dulcimer playing (the simplist there is)-wonderful things are going on now, dulcimer-wise, that I couln't and probably wouldn't begin to approach;nor my hard work in the folk music field (as I once did, but that's another story). My records sold sometimes hundreds, very seldom thousands, and never millions.My concert fees are still fairly low- I just don't feel right getting lots of money for singing, doing what I like best!

I WAS in on the beginnings of the folk scene of today. I helped start things like the Newport Folk Festival (first one in 1959) and before that, in the forties, I came to NYC and taught Kentucky games and songs to kids on the Lower East Side, and took my dulcimer all over the city, playing for people in parks, rent-raising parties (in Alan Block's loft, usually, and at Izzy Young's store in the Village). I met Mark Sendak at a small music party in a crowded apartment, and engaged him to illustrate my little book, Singing Family of the Cumberlands- his first big job in NY, for Oxford U. Press. All the big names now were little names then- I met them all through music, and all were friends. It would take hours to tell even a part of it...I met Alan Lomax and got to transpose Jelly Roll Morton's recorded tapes because Alan could not understand his 'southern' diction! Alan took me to Leadbelly's house to meet him because Leadbelly was ill and Martha had called and asked Alan to come. This 'sick' man insisted that I hold his 12-string and try to play on it, and laughed when the strings hurt my fingers. He made me promise to dedicate a song to him on next Sunday's Oscar Brand radio program, where I was then a regular. Naively, on the show I strummed my little pre-Martin guitar, just chords, and dedicated our family version of "Old Virginia," to my friend Mr. Ledbetter. Months later, I sang it again at Martha's request at Leadbelly's memorial concert (in Town Hall I think). She said he had liked the song- as they say in New Yorkese, "Go know!"

No room to go on. But you see why I wonder why such a richness of memories as I have could ever make me 'deserving' of an award. It's the other way round. Thank you, Life!