The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104508   Message #2143052
Posted By: Big Mick
07-Sep-07 - 01:54 AM
Thread Name: JEAN RITCHIE-Long Island Music Hall of Fame 10 Oct
Subject: RE: JEAN RITCHIE-Long Island Music Hall of Fame 10 Oct
My lovely friend, you have made the case for you deserving such an award much more eloquently than any of us could. I remember when you first sent me a PM and I went around to my musical friends and bragged about corresponding with Jean Ritchie. You were an icon for me then, someone whom I had listened to from the first time I heard you and Doc on the Gerdes Folk City album. I was 12 years old. But then I came to know you. You became more of a friend instead of an icon. And knowing you just enhanced you in my eyes. Because I could see your gentle and encouraging way. It is my opinion that you have done more to preserve and promote our musical traditions than virtually anyone. You belong in the company of the great artists and collectors. Why, from my perspective, the collecting you did in Ireland, and the collecting of the pictures and music of Bess Cronin, would be grounds for the honors you receive.

I, very selfishly, don't want you to slow down. I want to hear your voice, and see your face as you sing. I want to look around the crowd, and see the respect, wonder, and appreciation of your amazing gifts, on the faces of those around. I want to sit with young folks playing the dulcimer, and know that it all came down from the ages, and passed right through my friend Jean and out into the world.

Yes, my friend, you are deserving. And I am ever so grateful to these folks for telling you so.

All the best,
