The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104449   Message #2143601
Posted By: Cstargazy
07-Sep-07 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: What is your favorite band name?
Subject: RE: What is your favorite band name?
Hi Texas, some unused (in my world) band names for you...Cardboard Mountaineers, Chicken-in-a-Basket, Warp Dressers and Twisters,...and some used ones...Monk Brown and his Dirty Habits, Pineapple Nine (particularly creative this one:they sang English Folk,did not do any numbers about pineapples, and there were only three of them...they hoped their audiences would be sypathetic on account of six band members not having bothered to turn out... tho' indifferent musically, they were quite droll)