The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104587   Message #2143625
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Sep-07 - 08:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Town: Welcome to Orillia!!!
Subject: RE: BS: My Town: Welcome to Orillia!!!
Ah. How did I get here, Amos? Well, it's a long story. Why have I stayed? That's another long story. But hey, who wouldn't stay in this town? Even Gordon Lightfoot keeps coming back here. That says something.

Looking forward to your visit, gnu. ;-) I will attempt to clear out the family of skunks, as well as the spiders, and I'll see that everything else is put "in order" (really stretching it when I say that!). This'll be totally decent, eh? We can fire up the old all-terrain vehicle and go cow-tipping after dark...there's a field full of cows not more than half a mile from here. You can hear them lowing at night. I think these cows might be a bad lot, because they seem to stay up really late. We will have to be "vewy, vewy quiet" (a la Elmer Fudd) as we sneak up on them.

Amos - "Is your internal life so vivid and all-consuming that you have no external standards?"

That is a damn good question, Amos! Wow. That's really memorable. I am going to have to think quite carefully before answering that one.