The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99416   Message #2143790
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
08-Sep-07 - 02:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Once a Mudcat, always a ? (Story thread)
Subject: RE: BS: Once a Mudcat, always a ? (Story thread)
Just out of sight, in the bushes, naked except for his empty holster, Madison prowled through the underbrush. As he rested, panting in the clover, he thought back on how unbelievably easy his escape from the craft had been. When he had uttered the words "I've got to stop me", he had unwittingly spoken the sacred words of the third prayer to Cthulu. The aliens fell to their knees with a single shout. Suddenly the ship had flooded with light, a light of such clarity and brilliance that the aliens had been sent scuttling for cover. With this, the image of a huge deus ex machina had appeared in the doorway, and Madison had merely stepped on to its broad feathered back, fearlessly. No, it wasn't the first time that one of the fantastic creatures had appeared just in time to save Bake's blacon.
But Madison knew the caper was far from finished. As he stole through the thick underbrush, stealthy as a wraith, or at least the wraith of some large horned grazer, he came upon crime scene after crime scene.
The bodies of the slain lay just off the trail that lead from the lake to the main folkie cabin. He was shocked to find the mountie, as well as the bodies of other characters mentioned in earlier postings. Then, he heard voices from a clearing ahead. Blake squatted behind a chokecherry and focussed his trained ears, ears sharpened by the many years of having carefully avoided Yoko Ono recordings. He parted the branches and beheld a scene of suspense: There stood Red having a conversation with Argent. What they didn't see was the figure in the woods behind them, a figure whose shadowed hand clearly held a revolver. Madison nearly cried out, but he feared it would serve only to provoke the clone to quicker action. Then he saw the clone pause, stowe the revolver in his coat, and greet the pair. Finally Madison knew he would have to risk it, cry a warning before it was too late. It was at that moment that a pair of brass knuckles caught him squarely in the side of the temple, sending the temple bell resonating like the mission bells at the end of Vertigo. Only Kim Novak wasn't there as he went to black. The last thing he remembered was the gruesome mug of Smorch.
Then darkness.