The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104635   Message #2144935
Posted By: frogprince
09-Sep-07 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: What do we know about 2012?
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
Guys, ya'all make me want to pound my head against the wall. I would just laugh and shake my head, if I wasn't hearing this from people who say so much around here to make me like and respect them.

If I came up with some answer to this, and said I got it from details in the Bible, most if not all the regulars here would groan and roll their eyes. That would be the appropriate response .

But if I say I got my information from flipping cards with cryptic images, or charting the movements of the heavenly bodies, a bunch of the regulars scoot up on the edges of their chairs and go "ooh, tell me, tell me" So far I haven't heard anyone here say they got their data from sheep entrail; but, hey, that's an old established tradition, too...

I swear, you guys are as crazy in some ways as I am in some other ways.
