The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98561   Message #2145382
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
10-Sep-07 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Good Book
Subject: RE: BS: Good Book
An enthusiastic recommendation for The Autobiography of Henry VIII, by Margaret George.

This is (contrary to its title) a novel. The premise is that, after his death, his fool was able to save Henry's private journals from destruction by his daughter, Queen Anne. The fool inserts into Henry's text occasional comments and sidelights from his own knowledge and point of view. It's great reading, and gave me a much better idea of Henry's times, his actions, and his personality. Of course, since it's from his point of view, Ms George resolves some historical ambiguities and uncertainties in Henry's favor.

It's a big book, but at the same time all too short!

Dave Oesterreich