The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101654   Message #2145700
Posted By: Jean(eanjay)
10-Sep-07 - 04:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Child neglect and the law
Subject: RE: BS: Child neglect and the law
Giok, you are right - not just by social services but also by the forensic service for which I used to work (many years ago). I worked with Ron Outerridge who was in charge of the forensics in the Stefan Kiszko case (but before that case I hasten to add). That was a gross miscarriage of justice - he was "stitched up" (there's no better way to word it) by Chief Superintendent Dick Holland and Ron Outerridge.

Involving social services may not do any good but a lot of people have felt resentful that up until now it appears to have been virtually ignored.

In all child cases justice for the child has to be done.