The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104572   Message #2145977
Posted By: TRUBRIT
10-Sep-07 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: The latest on Kendall's voice
Subject: RE: The latest on Kendall's voice
Giok -- 'escape claws'......puhleese.....!

We don't just have 4 ladies up here to beat him into shape (Tami, Jacquie, Mary and Becca72 -----) we also have moi - the TruBrit!!!!!!! Kendall - remember when I first met you with Sins -- are you Kendall Morse -- THE Kendall Morse ....' such hero worship!!!!! If that alone isn't enough to inspire you, know that I want to add at least one more, and possible two, Kendall Morse CDs to my burgeoning collection -- autographed as well. Practice my dear Kendall, practice........