The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104635   Message #2147386
Posted By: Donuel
12-Sep-07 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: What do we know about 2012?
Subject: RE: BS: What do we know about 2012?
The Earth is warmer from CO2 increases and other causes.
There are slow Earth tilts with cycles of 42,000 year cycles and so on. ( it is curious that ancient Buddist as well as Christian writings feature 42 with great significance, long before Douglas Adams was born)

Why have we found that Mars and several other planets are also getting warmer?
Do they also have these subtle wobble shifts?

Is anyone willing to entertain a non Euclidian, non Newtonian and non Occam Razor explanation?

Suppose that our Solar system has other orbiting mass and energy that we can't see. What if dark matter planets or small unignited stars of dark energy are in a highly elliptical orbit that comes around every 36 millenia?

What if there is a heating of normal mass from interaction with dark matter? What is the gravitational influence on our solar system if dark bodies are on their way in to make a close pass around our sun?

Personally I lean toward a cosmic electrical phenomenon as the cause for increased heating effects in the solar system due to hyper spatial interaction with our "normal matter".
But then again this may just be two different ways of describing the same thing like particle vs. wave.

Sure there are too many "what ifs" in this wild hypothesis and I do not even know what to look for in this invisible spectrum but at least this idea is imaginative. This idea mostly makes me ask more questions until the truth is revealed that my cosmic notions are totally full of shiste. Are invisble things headed this way again as a fait de complete or is this notion complete de merde?

PS Zakaria Sichkin is definetly full of it!