The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95693   Message #2149358
Posted By: Wesley S
14-Sep-07 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should everyone vote?
Subject: RE: BS: Should everyone vote?
In case anyones forgotten here's my original post. I'm AOK with any thread drift but I wanted to make sure that folks knew what the original point was.

October 19th of 2006

"In the past I'd always thought that the more people who voted – the better. That the more people who voted – the better the cross-section of people's opinions that would decide who was elected, what bond bills were passed,ect. Now I'm beginning to think that is a little naive. Recently our local paper showed that Texas has a terrible record on the number of women who vote. Basically – very few do. And very few of them even knew that an election was being held according to polls held on election days. And I started thinking – "Why should I care" ?

It's not that I don't want women to vote. It's not a gender thing. The question is – do we want folks voting – male or female – that can't be bothered to even know that there is an election being held that day? Let alone having enough interest to find out about the candidates and the issues. If they can't be bothered – why should we care? Idealistically if everyone got involved and got informed the electorate really would be the voice of the people. But that isn't going to happen. And I'm beginning to think that's a good thing."