The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102609   Message #2150439
Posted By: ClaireBear
16-Sep-07 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help! info on Woody's Cook-In Sauce
Subject: RE: BS: Help! info on Woody's Cook-In Sauce
I wouldn't exactly say I've nailed it -- clearly I didn't, as my recipe lacks onion and anchovy -- and the tahini came up too much in the flavor as it aged, so I need to cut that back a bit. But it does taste really close. Maybe 90%? MichaelR, who has a cool smoker, is planning to smoke my Knock-Off #2, maybe this weekend, and I believe he'll let us know how close it comes then. As Bryan points out, it would be better to smoke it before adding Liquid Smoke, but it's too late for that with this batch.

When I have more energy (i.e., when I'm not doped up on post-op pain meds and antobiotics), I'm going to try again, with anchovy, onion, and indirect heat on the Weber fired with hickory -- then Liquid Smoke to fill out the flavor. We'll see then if I can get closer. But I'm afraid it won't happen this weekend -- I feel lousy, AND I'm not supposed to have anything acid.
