The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10783   Message #2151085
Posted By: Charley Noble
17-Sep-07 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Way Down in Shawneetown (Dillon Bustin)
Subject: RE: Way Down in Shawneetown - Dillon Bustin
Here's an unrelated "Shawneetown" song:

Shawneetown is burnin' down,
Who tole you so?
Shawneetown is burning down,
Who tole you so?

Cynthe, my darlin' gal,
Who tole you so?
Cynthie, my darlin' gal,
How do you know?

How the hell d'ye 'spect me to hold her,
Way down below?
I've got no skin on either shoulder,
Who tole you so?

De houses dey is all on fire,
Way down below.
De houses dey is all on fire,
Who tole you so?

My ole missus tole me so,
Way down below.
An' I believe what ole missus says,
Way down below.

After being flooded out several times (due more to the Engineers working on flood control, I believe), the town was moved to higher ground. When I went through there years ago, the carcases of some old stone buildings were still on the old site. The town had lost its importance. Shawneetown is referred to in other threads.

Charley Noble