The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104587   Message #2151097
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Sep-07 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: My Town: Welcome to Orillia!!!
Subject: RE: BS: My Town: Welcome to Orillia!!!
Orillia must have been truly hilarious back in 1912. It wouldn've been a very small place then and everyone would have had their nose in everyone else's business, I'm sure. Everyone would have known who the rich snobs were too, not to mention the town ne'er-do-wells. It's possible now to live here and be fairly much ignorant of who they are and of what the hell is going on in the inner circles that run the town. I mean, hey, I'm almost completely ignorant regarding all of that, although I am vaguely aware that Tudhopes and Cipollas are important folks in this town.

You say there was once a mayor here named Wib Cramp? Wib Cramp??? Holy crap. Now there's a name to remember! No wonder he had a bad attitude. I'm sorry that I missed those incidents you allude to in council chamber.

The biggest shitstorm that ever got raised around here in recent times was the great Opera House scandal...the less said about that, the better. ;-)

Bobby Blue was a very, very odd fellow. He seemed to be a cross between a would-be folk legend that never quite happened...and a wacko biker. I could not figure out what his trip was at all. He ran a taxi company for awhile in of 4 or 5 dreadful shoestring taxi companies, none of which was able to make a decent living here (except for Able...they take about 95% of the business, it seems).

If you want a life that is total shit, be an Orillia taxi driver. It's probably the most marginal, crummy job in the world. Anyone who is a taxi driver here is either stupid...seriously out of touch...or downright desperate.

I did it once for 6 months. ;-)