The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #758   Message #2151875
Posted By: Flash Company
18-Sep-07 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Jacky Rhubarb / Turkey Rhubarb
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jacky Rhubarb / Turkey Rhubarb
Q's posting brings to mind an Oz song called 'The Ham Fat Man',
in which 'Darlin Mary Ann', 'Hooked it off to Brisbane with a Chinaman'
Had a chorus

Ham fat, ram fat, candlefat or lard,
Rat fat, cat fat or any other sort,
Get him in the parlour just as quickly as you can,
He's my hoochy coochy, hoochy coochy ham fat man.

Apparently, the Ham fat man sold cooking fat to the men at goldfields, and there was some doubt as to the origin of his product!