The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103720   Message #2151910
Posted By: Faith87
18-Sep-07 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Smoking ban closing pubs, it's started!
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking ban closing pubs, it's started!
Do any of you actually work in the pub trade?
Now i do, and im a smoker, and i can see both pros and cons to this stupid ban.
the majority of our customers are smokers, im sorry for all you stuck up non smokers out there, but you kno, you werent FORCED to go to a pub where there was smoking. i do agree that there should be smoking rooms and non smoking rooms but unfortunatly not all pubs can accommodate this, like pubs that have no where to put a smoking shelter. we are being dictated to on how we can or cannot live our lives, and a lot of the non smokers that come in to the pub where i work and spend most of my leisure time, all say that they would rather there be no ban than have a ban, pubs would be more full and lively as this ban is hitting them quite hard. People who dont work in the industry, dont get the pub publications (not your sun or mirror but publications about the business for the business) cannot say that they think this is happening or that is happening as they do not kno the full extend of what is happening behind closed doors. they say smokers are in the minority. okay so why are the pubs so empty. why are more non smokers coming out of the wood work if that is the case. the traditional pub is one where you can go, have a beer, have a smoke and chat with people. it is dying. pubs are failing, more and more pubs are going up for sale each week. this is getting idiotic now. its about time the english public stood up and did something for themselves and not bow down to the dictatorship that we are living under. its pathetic. i kno i may only be a youngster that "doesnt have an opion" in some peoples minds but i kno a bit about my industry and i have seen the rapid decline in the place i work where i have worked for the last 2 years. its disheartening and as a future landlady, it makes me want to rethink my career chioce which i shouldnt have to do.