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Thread #104937   Message #2153842
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Sep-07 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Giuliani: Israel Should Join NATO
Subject: RE: BS: Giuliani: Israel Should Join NATO
Giuliani is indeed fishing for votes, and in a very obvious fashion.

Any direct attack upon Israel by the armed forces of Iran would ALREADY bring immediate massive retaliation by the U.S. and its allies...regardless. It's exactly what they would like Iran to do...something suicidally opportune and foolish like that for the USA to take advantage of. Talk about a free gift to the Bush administration! ;-) I bet they wish they could hypnotize the Iranian leadership into lobbing some of its missiles at Israel.

But, hey, why not have Israel join NATO? Hell, the USA regards NATO as its personal servant to do its bidding, so why shouldn't Israel have that privilege too? It would just be making official something which is already in effect in any case.