The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104941   Message #2153913
Posted By: GUEST,Joe Offer, at the Women's Center
20-Sep-07 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Poem for Maria
Subject: BS: A Poem for Maria
I'm here at the Women's Center working on the computer, and I came across a poem I meant to share with you. Wellspring Women's Center in Sacramento is a drop-in center in the poor part of town. Our slogan is "hospitality...with dignity and love." We serve breakfast, and give women a pleasant, social gathering place where they can get away from poverty for a few hours.
Last month, one of our long-time guests, Maria, was shot and killed by her ex-husband, who then shot himself. The murder was witnessed by their five-yer-old son, so it was especially tragic. The murder has affected our whole community for the last several weeks. One of our guests - I don't know her name - wrote this poem.
May Maria rest in peace - and her husband as well.



It's so hard to say goodbye.
It's hard not to have your presence.

You left so unexpectedly.
They took your wings when your
happiness and love towards life was still full.

Now you are happy,
For you are with God.

God shows compassion and is generous with his
Children and he will welcome you with
Open arms.
Have no worries, for he will fortify, love
And care for your children.

Enjoy your life wherever you are.
We will miss your presence among us.
There is an empty seat,
But we will fill that spot with
your image and happiness.

We cherish the best of you:
Your companionship, jokes and laughter in
Our minds and our hearts.

Rest in peace dear friend.