The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103720   Message #2154410
Posted By: Rasener
21-Sep-07 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Smoking ban closing pubs, it's started!
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking ban closing pubs, it's started!
You forget the fact that cancer from smoking doesn't disapear once you have stopped. It can be many years afterwards that a smoker may get cancer caused by their smoking. That also goes for passive smokers.

However what has to be looked at is the long term effect. I still reckon that many people will get cancer caused by smoking mnay years after this law was brought in.

The main thing is that it has happened and that can only be good for our children.

Having said that, one has to wonder what issues will occur when we see the realities of mobile phones/wifi etc.

Having said all that, I think its great that people can't smoke in pubs.

We are in Brum tomorrow and I am looking forward to going for a meal in a pub with my family, without the slightest hint of smoke. Whoopee.