The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4051 Message #21546
Posted By: Bruce O.
17-Feb-98 - 01:40 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Holst 2nd Suite in F
Subject: RE: Desperate for lyrics!!
Probably "Maid in Bedlam" with burden line "I love my love, because I know my love loves me". Traditional version in JFSS 7, p. 93, 1905. Early version is in 'Scots Musical Museum', #46, (same burden). It commences "One morning very early, one morning in the spring". Tune in SMM is "Will you go to Flanders/ Gramachree Molly". It is an extensive recasting of a single sheet song with music of c 1740, "The Black's Lamentation". (He is mad for love of maid and in Bedlam.)