The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104934   Message #2154645
Posted By: Bobert
21-Sep-07 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Jena 6 Controversy
Subject: RE: BS: The Jena 6 Controversy
Yeah, whereas the "noose" is very much the symbol of white were/are willin' to do to "uppity niggers", it ain't the only terror that was used in the South during Jim Crow days...

'Bout 30 years ago I had kinda, ahhhhh, broken into the 14th Street train station in Richmond, Va.... It had been closed for dacades, fallin' into disrepair an' bein' the curious little scavenger I was spend a couple evening's sifting thru stuff and came accross two books, both of which I still possess... These two book, written in long hand, described all the various "accidenst" that the Richomnd work/rescue crew had to respond to... Most were minor... Derailments, ect.... An occasional broken bone but over the 2 year period I found no less than 4 enties were "Negro males, age 20 or so" were found "dead on the tracks, having been run over by a train"...

Now I ain't trying to bring this discussion into a purely emotional one but I'd like for each of you folks who have trivialized the "noose" to visualize about being tied to a railroad track with a train just a minute away...

I don't believe that white people understand just how much terorism as been brought down upon black people in this country... This stuff doesn't just disappear... The stories are passed down... The terror every much still exists in most of the South ***today***...

Yeah, sure, this makes white folks uncomfy... Tough... Do something to stop it other than rationalize why it's okay for white kids to terrorize blacks kids with symbols that are so hate filled that they make swazticas (sp) look like benign little doodling...

Hey, for God's sake, wake the heck up, white America... We need to confront the demon that is us...

Yeah, lots of folks here goin', "Okay, BObert jus' off on one of his rants" because these folks don't see themselves personally alligned with the white kids who put up the noose... But we are if we gfail to stand up and say, "Nooses = Hate" and do the things that are ***required*** to bring about forces that say in no uncertain terms to the rednecks among us, "Your values are UN-AMERICAN, and if you continue to show them in such a vile manner, we will stick yer dumbass self in jail..."

But wait...

We need to take it a step further... These kids need not only to be in jail but they also need to be ***habilitated***.... No, not rehabilitated because they have never known anything but hate... We need to start from scratch with these kids as if they were drug addicts... Use the same kinds of treatment modalities that are used on drug addicts.... Why??? Because they are addicted... They are addicted to hate... These kids need help...

But as long as the grown ups (haha) are also addicted to hate, this ain't goin' happen soon... But it needs to...
