The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104392   Message #2154769
Posted By: Neil D
22-Sep-07 - 03:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dennis
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis
Having grown up in NE Ohio I've been familiar with his career since he was Boy Mayor of Cleveland. I have to say that I have never voted for him in the primaries for the reason cited by many in this thread, his unelectability. Not that I care about his image, or his small stature, etc., etc. It's just that by the time of the Ohio primaries he was so far back in the polls and delegates collected that it seemed like a wasted vote. Because I really do jibe with him on all the major issues. He is the only candidate who was ALWAYS against this senseless war, as was I. He is the only candidate to advocate truly universal health insurance, as I always have, even back when they called it "socialized" medicine.
   Plus he is more aware of whats really going on around the world than most. Thus, he has a healthy distrust of the military industrial complex and our corporatocracy. I couldn't agree more. He has battled greed, wealth and power on behalf of the common man all his adult life and is considered the ultimate underdog. Well who better to fight for the underdog than the ultimate political underdog.
   Now this coming Democratic primary season stands to be the closest three way race all the way through to the convention with real differences between Obama, Hillary and Edwards and a great deal at stake. But at the end of the day I just might have to vote for someone I actually agree with for a change, just this once. And that would be Dennis Kucinich.