The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104973   Message #2155145
Posted By: Wolfgang
22-Sep-07 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: What would you not miss if it was gone?
Subject: RE: BS: What would you not miss if it was gone?
Volksmusik evenings in German TV.
Links with uninformative titles ("you must see this")
Copycat thread titles
English cuisine (after breakfast)
Blondes jokes
Whiskies not coming either from Scotland or Ireland
Posts from LH under any other name
German wines from North of Karlsruhe
Sports in which action is a rare occurence compared with inaction
Folk CDs without lyrics inserts
Opera singers (both sexes) who are too old and too fat for the role they pretend to play
Electric devices with more functions/knobs than I have fingers
