The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104994   Message #2155907
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
23-Sep-07 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fabrications: Ms. Clinton & Giuliani
Subject: RE: BS: Fabrications: Ms. Clinton & Giuliani
My comments refer only to Rudy G. As it was stated today in a piece in the NYT--what, actually has he done after leaving office and 9/11. Mostly line his pockets with much cash and nothing that supports his claim of "involvement"---other than being stuck there that horrible day.

All other criticism of him aside by the NYFD and others his term as mayor was abysmal as far as the public was concerned, as far as race relations were concerned, and much more. Then came 9/11 (I hate that term--September 11, 2001) and he, all of a sudden, became the media appointed "Country's Mayor".   

Was his cell phone interruption by his loving 3d wife for real (at the NRA clambake) or was it staged. Either way it just showed what his priorities are. Here is a scenarion for Rudy as Pres.----"Incoming planes---wait a sec I am talking with my "honey"--get back to me in a few moments". Wow--even better than GWB and his reading to the class during the airplane hijackings.

As to his NRA speech---he sure managed to spin his anti-gun thing as mayor in NYC to "...well, after 9/11 we have to be alert". Right---your handgun is going to kill a personal friend of Bin Laden. Who knows--maybe even old Osama himself even though our esteemed president gave up the chase because-- MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Rudy has a word that can be applied to him in most situations---his ethnicity probably does not think of it---CHUTZPAH

Bill Hahn