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Thread #102499   Message #2157230
Posted By: GUEST,Mark Calendar
25-Sep-07 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
Subject: RE: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
Well, the economy of the US is crashing.

As far as the 'bin Laden' trades, they were made against a European market, and from what I read the bet was that the Eurostoxx would go down by 30%. Did that happen, with the runs on the banks and all? I didn't keep up, but there is apparently still a lot of concern about finances over there.

And Europe and the world are pointing at the 'sub prime lending rate' in the US as the cause of the world's financial problems, so world investors are baling out on the US economy.

A lot has happened to the U.S. economy in the last couple of weeks. The Federal Reserve cut its lending rate by half a percent, but this was just a token action. A bandaid on a hemmorhage. So, we have the people who ENGINEERED the destruction of the economy (the Federal Reserve), pretending to help, while the current head of the Fed, Bernanke, is telling the world the US is a bad investment. Greenspan and Volker (former Fed heads) also came out with their 'opinions' that the US is a bad investment. Treasury Secretary Paulson did the same. So, the 4 heavyweights in the field all beat the US economy mercilessly over the past couple of weeks, and I'd say THAT was the act of terrorism.

As a result of our own 'financial gurus' bad-mouthing us, Saudi Arabia refused to follow the half a percent rate cut in the US. First time in history that has happened. The American and Saudi currencies had always been bound together, until last week. Venezuela is also selling off its holdings of dollars as fast as it can now. So now, two huge oil producers no longer want US dollars. First we lost our gold and silver backing of the dollar, and now we're losing our petro dollar. The only thing backing the dollar now is 'faith', and the Greenspan mob is busy destroying that.

We can now expect to go the way of Argentina. Its currency collapsed. When the dollar collapses, the new AmeroDollar will be introduced. The EuroDollar is now being artificially inflated so that in the near future, when Americans are experiencing hyperinflation, we can be shown the model of how successful a 'unified' currency can be. The Amero will be forced on us, and the American and Canadian standards of living will be cut in half while the Mexican standard rises.

No time to go back and edit the above, but you get the gist. For an interesting look at how Americans are waking up to the Central Bank scam, go to and type in "C.H.A.N.G.E confronts Alan Greenspan."