The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104377   Message #2157496
Posted By: Linda Goodman Zebooker
25-Sep-07 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Hints 2007
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Hints 2007
1. What is your age range?
Going-on 60

2. Gender?

3. Do you have a favorite color?
Cerulean blue

4. Favorite authors/ type of book?
I like science fiction, historical fiction, and factual books. Also short story collections. Issac Asimov, Antoine de Saint-Exupery and Tristan Jones are my favorite authors.

5. What books have you really been wanting?
I'd love to read something by Sheila Kay Adams, or a book my Secret Santa especially likes. (a leftover hint from last year- sniff!)

6. What type of music do you like?
Folk music (any kind), Brazilian music, Balkan music. My favorite classical composers are Brahms and Stravinsky.

7. What CDs have you really been wanting?
Something my Santa really, really likes him/herself! I've been hearing and really enjoying new things this year I never thought I would like - just because somebody else thought they were great and shared. Repetition brings addiction to new sounds.

8. What movies have you been wanting? What region DVDs can you view?
Not so interested in owning any movie. I have "Amadeus" and "The Great Escape" already. That's enough.

9. What is your t-shirt size?
Size Small. Something representative of the Santa's location or interests would be nice!

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what?
Clutter!! Don't need any help there! (Alas, also a leftover hint from 2006!)

11. What are some of your other hobbies?
Contra dancing, International folk dancing, beginning guitar, beginning drumming, origami, mobile making and flower arranging

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry?
I'm a silver-tone person

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your secret santa know what you would like:
Most appreciated would be something local and representative of my Secret Santa's home area!