The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104934   Message #2157538
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
26-Sep-07 - 02:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Jena 6 Controversy
Subject: RE: BS: The Jena 6 Controversy
Yes Janie, when the "unenlightened" want to speak about the specifics of the situation rather than simply understanding the greater scope of the struggle against injustice which overrides anything as puny as the facts in a particular case, the "enlightened" tend to find the entire thing just a tad grimy. If we could stick to noble proclamations and generalities we could all agree and have a much nicer conversation. Frankly, I don't appreciate the holier-than-thou attitude.

I saw a clip of the Little Rock 10 on CNN. Yes, these were students who bravely walked into Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas in the 50s to gain rights to an equal education. They followed Dr King's method of non-violence, patience, and correct action, and broke the back of the segregated school system in Arkansas. A woman now in her 60s who was one of the ten related how she had been harrassed by several white female students. "I called them white trash", she said, "and I've never been able to forget that, and how bad I felt for having said it." When the reporter asked why, she replied "because it was below my character. It put me down to their level."

So please, don't give me the Jena 6 and Mychal Bell as your courageous pioneers for equal treatment under law. And if I have the honesty to bring up my objections due to some very specific reasons, you may want to listen to them and learn something from them rather than sulking, pouting, or calling me a racist. I am certainly willing to listen to your side of the argument. You don't have to convince me that unequal treatment under the law exists. But I think the Jena 6 and Mychal Bell are such a weak argument that they could very well have the opposite of the effect intended.

And no Bobert, I didn't take what you said personally. And when you talk about reparations etc you may be "preaching to the choir" but I'm not and never have aspired to be a member. But I like the way you play guitar.