The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104957   Message #2158028
Posted By: SINSULL
26-Sep-07 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Silly Santa!!
Joy! Joy! Jolly John opened a store right next to Petco. MOre useless crap than even I could imagine. The best? A whole table of FREE THINGS! I fell in love with one item and convinced them to sell me a shitload as birthday gifts for the Getaway. They were thrilled to charge for a giveaway item.
This place makes the Christmas Tree Shop look classy. Rows of open tables with handmade cardboard signs and the worst icrap ever.
But the best is a whole wall of MAINE souvenirs. A whole wall!
PLease tell me who my Santee is. I am ready to shop!