The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104986   Message #2158031
Posted By: Teribus
26-Sep-07 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ahmadinejad at Columbia
Subject: RE: BS: Ahmadinejad at Columbia
Still, without any shadow of a doubt the dumbest, most ill-informed load of twaddle I have ever read in my life, Stilly River Sage. I know that Stilly River is in Washington State, coming out with that crap the sage part of the name must refer to the plant.

Read through some of BB's posts you might just learn something.

"for example those Iraqi WMDs were opinion, not fact, but... And there is good reason to believe that the same may well be true of that Iranian nuclear weapon programme." - MGOH on facts trumping opinion.

Whether or not Iraq possessed WMD plus all the other things that the UNSCOM Inspectors were concerned with between 1991 and 1998 was subject to analytical evaluation by those inspection teams and their findings were reported to the United Nations Security Council in January 1999. What they suspected that Iraq still had was considered and informed opinion certainly, which most found highly likely. But what was fact Kevin, was that the inspection teams (UNSCOM & UNMOVIC) could not state with any degree of certainty that Iraq had destroyed all its WMD, agents, stockpiles, etc, etc.

It may well be true that Iran is not pursuing a programme to obtain nuclear weapons, that their programme is totally innocent and aimed at the peaceful generation of electricity. One can ignore the questions relating to why they kept their uranium enrichment facilities secret from the IAEA. Why they have gone for the type of centrifuges that enriches uranium to weapons grade as opposed to lower cheaper fuel grade. Having gone for that type of centrifuge why the number of them sufficient for rapid cascade enrichment.

If the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran states that his country does not seek nuclear weapons that must be totally credible. After all he has stated that women in Iran are the most liberated on earth and that there are no homosexuals in Iran - and we all know that those two statements are gospel truth - don't we Kevin?