The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105034 Message #2158041
Posted By: PoppaGator
26-Sep-07 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Favourite TV Ad
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
I'm sick to death of the Capital One Vikings, but then I have reason to really hate Capital One (don't ask....). I have a better attitude toward Geico (I buy my car insurance from them), but I'm almost as tired of the cavemen as I am of that "Dark Ages of Banking" crowd. But the gecko is still pretty cute, although I've never understood why he has that Aussie accent...
I thought someone among all you US folkies would already have mentioned "Viva Viagra," if only because it presents acoustic jamming as a plausible recreational activity for happy-go-lucky baby-boomer-age guys (or, if you prefer, midlife-crisis victims).
The ad shows a half-dozen or so fellows having fun, performing for no one but themselves on two guitars, a standup bass, upright piano and a minimal drum kit, singing "Viva Las Vegas" (per Elvis) with slightly amended lyrics.
Now, I understand that some people will hate it or find it offensive. Comedian Jeff Garlin is one; he was on Letterman a week or so ago, asking us to imagine how this was proposed at the ad agency:
"Well, you know I have this problem, but I really enjoy getting together with some of my buddies who have the same problem. We all bring our acoustic intruments and sing songs with lyrics we make up about our favorite medication. The one I like the best is 'Viva Viagra'........"
Now, Garlin went on to express total scorn for the music, expressing his opinion that nobody has any use for that corny old acoustic picking. I suppose that's where he and I differ. I find the music rather engaging, and the "Viagra" lyrics just plain funny.