The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104934   Message #2158258
Posted By: Janie
27-Sep-07 - 12:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Jena 6 Controversy
Subject: RE: BS: The Jena 6 Controversy

I am a bit stunned at the rancor of your response to my post. If my post sounds sanctimonious to you or to others, I apologize. that is not my intent. However, the post was not directed to you or anyone else in particular. The post reflects my own thoughts and reactions to the over-all thread to that point.

I have gone back and read the post several times now. It still reflects my wholistic impression and reactions to the thread to that point. I must note that I did not call you or anyone else a racist, nor did I say anything to make any attempt to imply that. Niether did I assert that the 6 black kids in Jena, or Mychal Bell in particular, are courageous volunteers. Nor did I sulk or pout.

I do wish I had said "....Black or white, none of us are consciously racist." Perhaps that is why you interpreted the post as sanctimonious. Perhaps that is what you are referring to when you accuse me of calling you a racist.

After reading Q's linked article, my view is unchanged. In my view, the phenomenon of The Jena 6 is a sociopolitical entity where the sum is greater than the parts. The people of Jena must feel like roadkill on the turnpike headed for that somewhat mythical terminus of real social justice and equality regardless of differences in race, class or ethnic group. I can sympathize. I have personally been roadkill on the same highway, and shared that story a while back on a different thread about affirmative action, or a similar topic. Individual justice and social justice are not always mutually inclusive. That simply reflects the realities of the tension of the the interdependent relationship between the individual and society.

Mick, there have been a number of opportunities for 'teaching moments' in this. I think it is necessary to ponder why all those opportunities were missed. I don't think it likely anyone involved made like Johnny Depp in whichever Pirates movie it was and said, "Ah yes, I just love those moments. I like to wave to them as they pass by." Your perception (and mine, and probably the perception of most people who have posted to this thread) is that those opportunities were 'shoulds.' It might be more fruitful to reframe them as 'coulds.'

The Jena 6 is now at the level of national discussion, I believe, because of both the reality of institutional racism and also the perception of institutional racism. Perception is every bit as potent as reality. And that perception has to be dealt with on a societal level.
