The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105095   Message #2159056
Posted By: Janie
28-Sep-07 - 02:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another request for good thoughts et. al
Subject: BS: Another request for good thoughts et. al
What may be some slightly atypical symptoms of anxiety (been on a rough ride the last 18-24 months), combined with a strong family history of assorted cardiovascular disease, has resulted in my primary care physican referring me to a cardiologist. I saw the cardiologist today, expecting him to send me back to my MD to restart an SSRI. He didn't like the sound of some of my symptoms or of the pulse in both of my carotid arteries so has ordered some additional tests. Even if the test show I have indications of cardiovascular disease, it is probably being caught very early, so I am not sitting here worried I am about to have an MI. I'm just sitting here worried, like I have been for the last 2 years, about this or that, and this is one more pebble on the worry table. And the heap on the worry table is maxing out. So good thoughts, prayers, candles, etc. appreciated.
