The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104908   Message #2159575
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz
28-Sep-07 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: Canada's First Lady of Folk
Subject: RE: Folklore: Canada's First Lady of Folk
Hi Kids! Ah Stamps. If you can't lick 'em, stick 'em. (If you figure out what that means, let me know. It just popped into the 'ol noggin from the depths.) Was thinking about Ron's comments on stamps and Joni and all. What a nice collection for stamp afficianados. "Canada's First Ladies of Folk." A melange/series of the famous and not so famous regional performers. All the women mentioned here could fit in. What a collector's item.
I guess the powers that be might want to keep the people who get on stamps as a select group, but it sure would get the word out about women's contribution to this art form to the entire world. Oh well...
