The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20174   Message #215985
Posted By: Joe Offer
22-Apr-00 - 03:46 AM
Thread Name: Origin:I Had a Little Overcoat/Hob Ikh Mir a Mantl
Subject: Lyr Add: I HAD A LITTLE OVERCOAT (from Yiddish)
There's one in the database with the mistaken title of I Had An Coat (now corrected). Could that be the one, Mary? On her recording of the song, Sally Rogers says it was by Paul Kaplan, written in 1985.

I guess it's probably not the one Mary wants, but It's a great song and fits this thread, so what the heck?

The "I Had a Coat" song has the same story line as a Yiddish song called "I Had a Little Overcoat"

(traditional Yiddish, English by Teddi Schwartz & Arthur Kevess

1.I had a little overcoat, as old as can be
Tralala lalalala lalala
What I'd ever do with it, I just couldn't see / Tralala...
So I thought a little while
And made myself a jacket in the very latest style
Tralalala lalala (2x) / Made a jacket in the very latest style

2. I had a little jacket, it was old as can be...
What... / So I thought a little while
And made myself a vest in the very latest style
Tralala. . .made a vest in the very latest style

3. I had a little vest / . . & made myself a tie
4. tie / button
5. button / nothing
6. nothing / song

1. Hob ikh mir a mantl fun fartsaytikn shtof / Tralala...
Hot dos nit in zikh kayn gantsenem shtokh / Tralala...
Darum, hob ikh zikh batrakht
Un fun dem mantl a rekl gemakht
Tralala... / Fun dem mantl a rekl gemakht

2. Hob ikh mir a rekl... fun dem rekl a vestl gemakht
3. vestl / shnipsl
4. shnipsl / knepl
5. knepl / gornitl
6. gornit / dos lidele

trad (Yiddish), Eng words Teddi Schwartz & Arthur Kevess

Separated from this thread to avoid confusion with "Take Off Your Old Coat."
-Joe Offer-