The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105019   Message #2160034
Posted By: catspaw49
29-Sep-07 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: World's Cup Soccer
Subject: RE: BS: World's Cup Soccer
I sure as hell do Ebbie and I speak for all real Americans as well just like our sainted and beknighted President, uh, know, whatisname.......the junior shrub guy.....yea, Bush, that's it.

Here in the United States we are always right and often even far right, but whatever we do is not just the right way to do it, but its the only way too. I get tired of all these funny speakin' types trying to put the woes of their world on us. And frankly there are some unpatriotic types up your way too. Take the oil pipeline for instance. You got a bunch of tree hugger types either worrying themselves nuts over a little bit of spilled oil or out to save the permafrost and caribou. Well fuck a bunch of caribou.....We need the damn oil! I'd start worrying if I were you 'cause once we get done with Iraq and maybe Iran, we're likely to bomb the shit out of Alaska. Now you may be thinkin' that it won't happen because Alaska is a state, but do you think Bush knows that.......or cares?

Get your act together Ebbie and think which side are you on!
