The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105034   Message #2160484
Posted By: Riginslinger
30-Sep-07 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Favourite TV Ad
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
Okay, I saw it again. It's a General Electric ad--one of America's largest defense contractors--and it's aimed at convincing the viewer that GE is promoting "wind power" because the company cares so much about the environment.

                     There's a little boy on a sea coast catching the wind in a bottle. He catches a ride home with a guy on a motorcycle with a sidecar, like you think you're in, maybe, Ireland.

                     But when he enters the house with the bottle, the family seem Latino. It's a little, old, rundown house, and they blow out the candles on the birthday cake with the wind in the bottle. So the tradition is American, or maybe British.

                     The wind in the bottle is powerful enough to blow the windows out of the little house. Everyone laughs and hugs the boy.

                     The viewer is left with the impression that wind power can make a difference, and GE can bring it to them, wherever they are.